Standards Based Report Card - Detroit Catholic Schools Standards Based Report Card

Standards-Based Report Card

The Archdiocese of Detroit has adopted a standards-based report card. The intent of this new reporting system is to provide parents with a deeper understanding of their child’s progress in achieving mastery of the AOD standards.

Throughout the school year, teachers introduce new concepts to students while reviewing and building on previously taught skills. For example, a second grade teacher presents two-digit addition as an introductory skill while reviewing single digit addition, a previously taught concept. In a standards based report card, the teacher focuses on each student’s performance in a specific area, (i.e., single digit addition), that has been repeatedly practiced and supported.

Teachers now report on skills providing insight on what the student has learned and what needs re-teaching and support. Historically, a student received a letter grade in a subject and no feedback was provided to parents that determined the level of attainment toward a standard. In the new report card, a letter grade is presented as well as specific information on the student’s mastery of the concepts that led to that letter grade.

In reviewing your son/daughter’s report card, these are some of the key benefits:

  1. The standards are defined and aligned with the Archdiocese of Detroit Standards.
  2. Standards based grading provides specific insight into student performance and depth of knowledge.
  3. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency.
  4. Standards based grading does not penalize students for mistakes made during the learning process. Introductory skills that are moving to mastery are not measured.
  5. Standards based assessments guide teachers in determining which students need additional assistance or require more challenging work.
  6. Parents are able to monitor student progress and identify areas of concerns. Additionally parents have an opportunity to work with their child in the identified areas where concepts have not been mastered or in those areas in which skills are being introduced.